PSU Trinidad Scorpion Peppers

A study on the effect of ignorance and neglect on the growth of Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Peppers at Penn State University:

90 day (approx) experiment to determine whether it is possible for four entrepreneurial college freshmen to successfully germinate, plant, and maintain a Trinidad Scorpion plant and see it through to fruition.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 55: Pepper Jack "the Riper"

Our single semi-developed pepper has just begun to ripen, turning a light orange at the base and working its way toward the tip. We didn't expect a ripe pepper this soon. We have no idea what to do with it. If you have any ideas for what to do when it's ready (within the next two weeks or so), please comment them!


  1. rub the pepper on toilet paper and distribute to the enemies

    1. You have inspired Satan herself. Thank you.

  2. rub the pepper on condom and distribute to the patriarchy
