PSU Trinidad Scorpion Peppers

A study on the effect of ignorance and neglect on the growth of Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Peppers at Penn State University:

90 day (approx) experiment to determine whether it is possible for four entrepreneurial college freshmen to successfully germinate, plant, and maintain a Trinidad Scorpion plant and see it through to fruition.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 60: A Light Bud

Great news: the second pepper appears to be budding right now! It seems that our original timeline was slightly off. This pepper probably wont be ready for harvesting until around Christmas possibly. Just in time for a Christmas salsa. The first pepper, however, is thriving. It appears to be entirely red without any sign of a green tip. The shape and color still need to develop a little more before it will be ready for consumption. In the meantime, make sure you enter the raffle on Facebook by liking the page and going to the giveaway tab! We will ship the pepper if necessary. 


Saturday, October 25, 2014


In order to avoid the legal issues inherent with poisoning children's candy or adulterating the contraceptives of the patriarchy, we have decided to raffle off the single pepper. That way people can harm their bodies on their own accord. Just like the page and enter the contest on the giveaway page:

Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 57: Capsicum Carotenoid Changes

Over the past four days or so, the pepper has made a drastic change in color in its early ripening stages. It probably has enough capsaicin to kill a developed fetus by now. The process occurred a lot quicker than expected, so the pepper may be ready for harvesting by October 31st. We received some great suggestions for the use of the pepper, including contraceptive adulteration, but we are requesting Halloween-themed ideas instead. Comment them below!

                October 22                      October 23                   October 24


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 55: Pepper Jack "the Riper"

Our single semi-developed pepper has just begun to ripen, turning a light orange at the base and working its way toward the tip. We didn't expect a ripe pepper this soon. We have no idea what to do with it. If you have any ideas for what to do when it's ready (within the next two weeks or so), please comment them!

Monday, October 20, 2014


OH, BABY PEPPAH, I GOT A TOOMA IN MAH HEAD. The Guinness Book of World Records has recently declared this pepper as the cutest baby pepper in the world. At 0.08 oz, little Bubbles has just embarked on his journey to grow up to be cut, chopped up, pureed in a blender, and ingested in the form of salsa. I will keep you all updated on the progress of Bubbles. You can see him in the center of the picture. He's really tiny.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 42: That is a Nice Pepper

The single pepper is still flourishing, however, it appears we have been over-watering the plants for the past 42 days. Whoopsie-doopsie. Every other day or so, we have had to drain the water collecting on the bottom, which apparently means there is too much water. Go figure. Anyhow, we are reducing the amount of water to 12 fl oz. every other day. We'll see how it turns out. You can see the water still collected at the bottom after a week of reduced watering. Expect updates on the hostage situation as well.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 40: Ransom

I have just received and image of the peppers from an anonymous number. They are being held hostage, but should be in a sustainable and safe environment. The individual is requesting a ransom payment of...One million dollars. A computer forensics team is currently tracking the location of the fugitive. We hope to have our peppers back within the next week. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 39: The Plot Thickens

     The pepper plants are slowly but surely approaching fruition...that is, those that are left. At approximately 2:30 on Sunday afternoon, a single plant was stolen. The culprit, unknown, will surely face crippling regret and cave under the power of their guilt complex, revealing their identity promptly. I will be contacting ADT Home Security Systems shortly. Hopefully, there are preventative measures in existence for horticulture theft.
     Thankfully, there is in fact one lead - the malefactor left the scooping apparatus used to facilitate the theft. I am currently dusting for prints, and will provide a copy of the police report in my next update. Comment if you have any leads!


Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 36: Things are starting to get spicy

        Over the past week or so, we have seen some development in a single pepper bud. The peppers have been making excellent progress. However, we have decided to eliminate both lamps and to utilize the LED plant light by itself due to fast drying that was occurring. The plants have been looking very healthy since then, so we plan to continue with this course of action for the time being. 
         On another note, we were under the assumption that most of the seeds were dead when we planted the four live sprouts. We threw them into the pot unsuspectingly and earlier this week, two of them just happened to sprout out of the soil. That was an unexpected delight. We will be updating the progress of the two new sprouts and the single pepper over the upcoming days!