PSU Trinidad Scorpion Peppers

A study on the effect of ignorance and neglect on the growth of Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Peppers at Penn State University:

90 day (approx) experiment to determine whether it is possible for four entrepreneurial college freshmen to successfully germinate, plant, and maintain a Trinidad Scorpion plant and see it through to fruition.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 6: Change of Germination Tactic

After examining the progress over the course of the week, I decided that, despite two heat lamps, the heat was dissipating too quickly. I approached this problem with a rather unconventional solution, but then again, I wouldn't consider growing peppers in my dorm room to be conventional in the first place. I happened to bring a dorm approved wax lamp which I use to make wax seals (also so my room doesn't smell like a baby's feces soaked in formaldehyde). I placed the Tupperware container on the wax lamp and checked the heat of the dampened paper towel after approximately one hour. Although I expected it to overheat, it seemed to be a perfect temperature. Of course I judged this empirically, but we expect to see more promising and faster results with this set-up. 


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