PSU Trinidad Scorpion Peppers

A study on the effect of ignorance and neglect on the growth of Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Peppers at Penn State University:

90 day (approx) experiment to determine whether it is possible for four entrepreneurial college freshmen to successfully germinate, plant, and maintain a Trinidad Scorpion plant and see it through to fruition.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 60: A Light Bud

Great news: the second pepper appears to be budding right now! It seems that our original timeline was slightly off. This pepper probably wont be ready for harvesting until around Christmas possibly. Just in time for a Christmas salsa. The first pepper, however, is thriving. It appears to be entirely red without any sign of a green tip. The shape and color still need to develop a little more before it will be ready for consumption. In the meantime, make sure you enter the raffle on Facebook by liking the page and going to the giveaway tab! We will ship the pepper if necessary. 


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