PSU Trinidad Scorpion Peppers

A study on the effect of ignorance and neglect on the growth of Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Peppers at Penn State University:

90 day (approx) experiment to determine whether it is possible for four entrepreneurial college freshmen to successfully germinate, plant, and maintain a Trinidad Scorpion plant and see it through to fruition.

Monday, October 20, 2014


OH, BABY PEPPAH, I GOT A TOOMA IN MAH HEAD. The Guinness Book of World Records has recently declared this pepper as the cutest baby pepper in the world. At 0.08 oz, little Bubbles has just embarked on his journey to grow up to be cut, chopped up, pureed in a blender, and ingested in the form of salsa. I will keep you all updated on the progress of Bubbles. You can see him in the center of the picture. He's really tiny.

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